Monday Starter : 70
A useful app I’ve discovered: Markup This markup and feedback platform is easy to use and looks beautiful. I haven’t used it for anything yet but have added it to my list of productivity tools to explore.
What I’m learning/practicing: Piano lessons on Udemy. I’m struggling. Not because it’s technically hard but I’m so bored! I’d prefer to do lunges or push ups instead. I haven’t been to the gym in over 4 weeks.
What I’m listening to: Atkins Labcast is a new podcast by the wonderful people at Atkins Lab, an Australian photo lab that I use for my client work. It’s refreshing to listen to the owners Kate and Paul Atkins talk about photo industry stuff. Kate in particular is loud and funny.
What I’m watching: Future Man. This is a surprisingly amusing show albeit a tad unsuitable for my 14 year old son. I hold my breath and hide under my oodie whenever the dick and cum jokes appear. It goes away quickly enough. I had no idea Future Man is already up to season 3! I love that each episode is a bite sized 19 minutes of silly but clever absurdity.
A quote I’m pondering on: “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” – Leo Tolstoy