Monday Starter : 53

What I’m reading : Don’t Panic! More Reasons You Don’t Need $1 Million to Retire Well by Nick Bruining - This book hasn’t been reviewed well. A lot of people seem to hate it with a vengeance and I don’t understand why because it’s really helped me comprehend my retirement plan. I guess if you’re looking for a “retirement-planner-for-dummies-book” - this might fit the bill. It provides a good context for Australians who are planning on their retirement. I don’t plan to retire just yet but I when I started thinking about it last year, I couldn’t get my head around superannuation and the pension system. Indeed I felt a sense of panic. This books explains everything with illustrations to boot. Some topics are a tad complicated but I gather I will pick up this book again when the time comes.

What I’m listening to: How to be happy by Freakonomics Radio - This one is a gem.

What I’m watching: The Colony on Netflix - The premise is nothing new but it’s well delivered with enough action and revelations to keep me interested. The acting is okay compared to The Flash (that my 13 year old son loves to watch) where the performances are a little silly and repetitive at times. 

A quote I’m pondering on: Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small.  — Lao Tzu

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