Adrian’s Monday Starter : 39
What I’m reading : The Disease of Being Busy by Omid Safi
What I’m listening to: You Say “eye-RACK,” I Say “ear-ROCK” by Tell Me Something I Don’t Know
What I’m watching: The Avenger movies with my son. I didn’t realise the first Iron Man (in this Marvel series) was released in 2008 when he 2 years old. And did you know that the first Thor movie (in the same franchise) came out in 2011!
A quote I’m pondering on: ”Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. — Lao Tzu
Go see: Beatriz at Dinner — This film is promising but has a strange ending that I found lacked any kind of redemption. Selma Hayek is fantastic and the discomfort it creates is worth a watch.