Monday Starter : 68

I’m out of kilter. For the first time I feel a little bit lost, distracted and anxious. The current situation we’re all in feels so strange. As if all our hopes and dreams have been put on hold. I have no idea when this will end. And what a weird thing to be uncomfortably unproductive! I can’t sit still and feel guilty that I’m not doing anything useful or creative.

What I’m reading: I’m currently reading How to Be Right… in a World Gone Wrong by James O’Brien. I picked this book up the last time I was in London and I couldn’t put it down.The challenge is to distinguish sharply between the people who told lies and the people whose only offence was to believe them.— James O’Brien

What I’m learning/practicing: Piano lessons on Udemy.

What I’m listening to: 7am podcast

What I’m watching: Star Trek: Picard, Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist and re-watching the Alien series - I’m up to Prometheus. I skipped Alien 3. Too dark. I should have skipped Alien 4. That giant baby alien scared the hell out of me.

A quote I’m pondering on: “There is no innovation and creativity without failure.” — Bréne Brown

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