Monday Starter : 63

What I’m reading: Eat Real Food by David Gillespie - This book was published in 2016 I think. A lot of the information here about sugar and seed oil will seem scandalous to some because it does sound a like a big conspiracy. Time will tell but for now, I’m applying a lot of the info from this book to the way my family and I eat food. At least 90% of the time.

What I’m watching: The Umbrella Academy on Netflix - I’ve only seen two episodes and I’m loving it so far. The soundtrack is surprisingly good and unexpected. It looks and feels different. The CGI on the monkey character looks flawless (because that’s important). It’s a gorgeous-looking production that evokes another world. And I am intrigued by all the characters. Let’s see if the entire season is as satisfying as the first two episodes.

What I’m listening to: Fujicast podcast #4

A movie I’ve seen: Captain Marvel - It’s taken a long time for Marvel to come up with it’s first female-led movie. It’s solid and enjoyable yet still a tad safe. Nevertheless, I can’t stress how important it is for today. The story fits well within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not that I pay much attention. I’m looking forward to seeing Avengers: Endgame.

A quote I’m pondering on: “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” - Brené Brown

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